Count in volume

Is there any way to lower the count in volume

Not yet but that’s on my shortlist of functionality to add!

Thank you Luke, for your quick response. I like the count in, but it is louder than the music. I am on your trail program, but I will tell you, I really like the program. I have tried band in a box for 10 years. I gave up on it several times, the last time was about two years ago. I never got a decent track out of it. After I got your trial and finally got time to sit work with it. I had a good sounding track in about 10 minutes
I will be purchasing your program in the next couple of days

Thank you
John Eidskn

UPDATE: I just added a volume control to the Strum Machine beta site! In time this volume control will probably be moved to be alongside the other instrument volume controls, and I have more things planned for the count-in settings, but I decided to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good and get this out there for folks to use!

And I’m glad you find the program easy to use! That’s one of my main goals with it.


Thank you for the update, I tried it out and it helped a lot. I will get you a yearly payment by the end of the week

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Been using it, Wow , what a different, Thank You !!

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