Edit a tune with capo enabled

Using Margaret’s Waltz as an example, a tune often just plays easier on the guitar with a capo installed. If I’m using a video for my reference and the player is using capo 2, I’d like to enter the chords per the played position. eg C position is D, etc. The editor doesn’t recognize a capo position. I can work around this, but with the tune I’m adding tonight it is taking 10x longer than it would if the editor recognized the capo position. This is a minor thing that I can work around.

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Thanks for your feedback. Others have said this before as well. I will see what we can do. In the meantime, if you’re comfortable with number chords, switching to those (which you can now do in the editor with the Settings button) could be helpful…

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You could try what I do, entering the chord shapes, then set the capo after the tune is saved. Ex. Tune is in key of A but guitar player is playing G shapes capo on 2nd fret. Enter the chord shapes seen in YouTube in G, then save. Set Key to capoed 2. Song plays in A (for Fiddle) but chords appear in G.

What am I missing?

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Yes, that is a good workaround, @JerryJackson. The only downside is that the “Hear As You Edit” feature won’t be usable, which may or may not be a significant downside depending on the situation.

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