Formatting Waltzes

Luke, thank you for your reply and suggestion how to solve the problem.
" John, generally with waltzes you’ll want to put two 3/4 measures between “barlines” in Strum Machine, as Strum Machine’s waltz-time barlines group pairs of 3/4 measures (it’s a bit confusing, I know). Feel free to start a new topic if you want more assistance with this".

I’m not sure what you mean "put two 3/4 measures between “barlines”.

Can you explain please…? :thinking:
I’ll post a video on YT of my version of “Louis Waltz” shortly.
Thank you.

Luke, this is a video of “Louis Waltz” (composed by Andy DeJarlis).

Sheet music is based on: Louis’ (waltz) on The Session
Can you tell me what settings you would put in Strum Machine to achieve a co-ordinated backing…?
I still cannot achieve good rhythmic backing.
Other waltzes, no problem. Only this pesky tune…!!

(Looks like it’s the second setting in the link you sent.)

I can’t tell you what the chords are with any certainty, but I can at least tell you that each chord shown in Strum Machine is one measure of 3/4 – there are two measures between each pair of bar lines in Strum Machine. This confuses a lot of folks and is something I aim to address in the future, but there are reasons why they’re grouped as pairs in Strum Machine as well so it’s not a trivial change.

So, for example, I’d probably start with something that looks like:

| D D | G G | A A | D D |

That would be for the first eight measures of sheet music, not four.

Hope that makes sense!

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Thank you for your prompt response Luke.
I’ll digest the information and possible solution you describe.
This is what I currently have in my library:

Yeah, that looks like twice as many chords as there should be. Try deleting every other chord. Also, be sure to delete the “hanging chad” chord at the end; the section should end at the end of the line.

This seems to have solved the problem Luke.
I found the “one chord per bar” setting under Chord Display.
Thank you for your support.

“One chord per bar” only changes the way chords are displayed. I think you actually need to remove every other chord. But you’ll know for sure if you try playing along.


I’m sorry to sound so helpless on this Luke.
If I edit “Louis Waltz”, and to use the 1st line as an example:

When I remove the second D in Bar 1 or say the second G in Bar 3, the format is lost.
If I check with say “Tennessee” or “Roxanne’s Waltz” which are from your master list, they all have the a full line of chords.
I’m confused as to how to edit my waltz tunes.
I know what you’re asking and trying to tell me.
I just don’t know how to do it.
Is there a step-by-step guide…?
This is the sheet music.


Hope this video clears things up!


Thank you for such personalised customer service…!!
I’ll give it a try shortly and report back.
Again, thanks for the explanation.

Thanks Luke, that works perfectly.
Your valuable assistance much appreciated.
Cheers. :grinning:

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Th easiest way I find to enter waltzes is to NOT look at the screen. Just type in the chords as they go i.e. DDGDGD or whatever. Then go back and make every single one a half bar. THEN I look at the screen and compare it to what I was aiming for. It makes it a lot easier to follow along for me if each bar LOOKS like a bar. Also a lot easier to find your place if you are looking at sheet music at the same time as looking at Strummie, and feels more like you’re waltzing when you know e.g. certain notes have to hit at the start of new bars.

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The ability to break the measure into 3 (three) beats is fantastic: under Chart select Subdivide Beat.
Here is 3/4 time on What Child is This_G and it is working like a champ.

Not sure if this will show up as I was hoping to see the picture here.
Dan G in Archibald, La USA thanks you for your program.
Oh my, it works !!!

presets for What C is This