How hard would it be to create 5/4 time signature?

For those that wanted to play “Take Five” or “Mission Impossible”

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It’s not currently possible to do this in Strum Machine. Perhaps someday, along with 7/8 and other compound time signatures. It will involve quite a bit of work on my end and I’m focusing on things that will benefit a broader range of users so it’s a low priority for now.

In the less distant future you will be able to have the time signature change mid-song, which in theory could allow you to make a 5/4 song by alternating between 2/4 and 3/4, although it would be tedious to do so…

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Thank you, appreciate your reply. I thought it would be difficult but why not ask. And 100% agree on focusing on things that will benefit a broader range of users. Keep up the good work. Strum Machine is a great tool to help keep us in time.


Switching between 3/4 and 2/4 will open up a lot of tunes-asymmetrical waltzes, zwiefachers. Like Luke says, you will be able to divide up the 5/4. I ran into quite a few 3/8 tunes for which I used the 3/4 and adjusted tempo. Have been rooting for this. 12/8 would seem to be in same vein as when the existing 9/8 was added. We can use 6/8, but there ideally should be one accent on only 1st of 4 beats.–not every two. I’m aware that bluegrass is the prime user base.