I use a playlist shared with a friend to give him tunes to work on (guitar) to back me up on the fiddle. It would make things a lot easier for him to learn if he could see the References where I’ve attached YouTube examples of the tune.
I convinced him to subscribe to Strum Machine! He also bought an iPad that’s only purpose is to run the Strum Machine app. I helped him get it working last night. I was surprised at his lack of technical knowledge. It would be beyond him to search for a tune like “Big Sciota” on YouTube. This is why I’d like to have the link to the YouTube video in the References section. Strum Machine will be a nice tool that I can use to teach him strum patterns. He’s often backing me but his rhythm isn’t quite right. I put down my fiddle, pick up the guitar, demonstrate, then back to the fiddle and we start again. If his regular home practicing included the right rhythm he’d “get it” faster.
Maybe this feature is already there and I missed it?
Update: I tried the link to my Celtic list from the Shared Lists section of this page, I see that the videos are included in the references. I sure didn’t see that when I was on his iPad earlier this evening. I’ll be over there again and figure it out.