Oddity with subdivided beat

I’m attempting to build the Celtic tune “Lochaber Badger” into Strum Machine. Lochaber Badger has many of the chord changes on the 4th beat. The first measure chords per beat are Em, Em, Em, C. I subdivide the 2nd half measure and input Em and C and it works well. On the second measure, the chords per beat are C, C, C, Bm7. I subdivide the 2nd half measure and input C then try to add Bm7. It won’t accept Bm7. I figured out a work-around. Add C first, then change it to Bm7 and it works. It took me a while to figure that out. It is a minor bug in Strum Machine.

My version: Lochaber Badger

I think the original instructions are to use the chords menu to select Bm7.

“Select the beat you want to change and assign a chord to it with the Chords menu as usual.”-per help.

Yet typing is usually faster.

I have problem getting rests on, say the first beat of a measure where you have to subdivide. Rests are not in the chords menu.

Give my example a try on your own tune. Bm7 cannot be added in the 2nd half of a subdivided beat by any method until you first make the chord something else, like a C. Then you can change the 2nd chord to a Bm7.

A rest is added by modifying the effect with the ‘x’ key. Cycle through rest, stop, and diamond.

Heh, even without checking I knew that this was indeed a bug! And I know why it’s happening too: the “B” key makes the current chord flat the first time you press it (then switches it to B if you press it again) but it won’t do anything when there’s no chord written on that beat.

I’ve added to my list of minor bugs to circle back to and squash.

Re: @JosephLavariere’s comment on adding rests/effects to individual beats in a subdivided cell, that is something I plan to support in the future. Currently, subdivided beats and effects are mutually exclusive features.