I use the Notes feature to keep track of progress. For example, see below that I copied from Banks of Loch Gowna. I play fiddle and guitar, and have convinced myself that many fiddle tunes work as well or better on guitar (Celtic style). It will be a long slog making this work and I want to keep track of progress. It is very encouraging to see that I’ve moved from 75 to 100 bpm in a month. The Notes feature would be a little better if I could make time-stamped entries after every practice session.
100 bpm concert. Add lilt to melody rhythm.
75 bpm guitar 2am 1/12/25
95 bpm guitar 11am 1/12/25
95 bpm guitar 5am 1/29/25, 100 bmp 100 times through. Trying to get it to flow under my fingers. This tune has promise. Could crank it up faster.
100 bpm 2/14/25, it is all starting to gel together. 1000 more hrs and it will sound nice.