I can’t seem to get all the songs I’ve created into Strum Machine so others can use them. The instructions are not easy to follow? I guess I need some help with this.
Hi George,
It’s not currently possible to make songs publicly searchable within Strum Machine. You can post them here on the forum, though; there’s a category for that called “Share Your Charts”.
Next year, after the new strumming patterns are done, I plan to turn my attention to expanding the library, which may involve letting folks submit songs for inclusion in the public library. Haven’t worked out the details yet though.
For instructions on sharing songs with folks directly, see: Strum Machine Help - sharing
I shared a list of 40 songs. Now I want to add more songs to the list. I can’t figure out how to do it. With the instructions you have, I can’t see any way to do that. Can you make it easier to sare songs? I find this very frustrating. Do you just reenter the whole list again? Or is there a way to add a song to a list you’ve already put in?
You can just add more songs to the original list in Strum Machine as usual. Anyone who has added the list to their account will have it updated, since they’re actually viewing your list rather than a copy.
That said, you bring up a good point: the list preview on the forum isn’t updated. That is, I can see that the list you posted still says “40 songs” but you’ve added 7 more to it. This is because the forum caches the list details, and doesn’t have any way of knowing that they’ve been updated.
This is a tricky one since the Strum Machine and this forum (powered by software called Discourse) are totally separate. I’ve written some code to integrate them – shared logins, previews when posting songs/lists – but there are limits to what I can do.
It does look like there’s a way to manually update the listing on the forum: you edit it (with the pencil icon) and then save it. This re-fetches the list from Strum Machine. False alarm – this doesn’t work. There is a way for me to tell the server to re-fetch the data though. In the future I may be able to run an automatic process to do this, say, weekly. I’ll look into it after the holidays.
Still no fix on how to easily add a song to an already posted list like Bluegrass Classics that I posted in 2022 or 2023. I’ve added lots of tunes to my SM list. People have been asking me for more songs. If there is no easy way to add them, why am I knocking my head against the wall trying to help the community?
I put quite a bit of time into trying to figure out a solution for this a couple years ago, but I wasn’t smart enough to figure it out. But I just looked at it again today, and with a little help from AI, I was able to figure out a pretty good solution.
Now the forum will update every embedded list by fetching it again from the Strum Machine app every few hours. I just tested the script and it appears to have updated every list successfully.
Thanks for prodding me. I’m glad to have this (mostly) addressed now! Of course, instant updates would be ideal, but that will probably have to wait until song/list sharing is more tightly integrated with the app itself.
I like that idea to be able to submit songs to the public library. I’d imagine you’d need to delegate some genre’s outside the SM organization? For example, my Celtic list (shared) keeps growing. It has 200 tunes in it as of today. “thesession.org” often has the tunes that I’m looking for and I’m sure someone else in the SM community has added them, but I don’t see them so I create the tune in SM and add it do the Celtic list. All of my tunes have an Intro which I believe will soon be unnecessary with a change to the Count In feature. I’d go through each tune and remove the Intro to give them a consistent feel across the list of tunes. I like to suggest the concert tempo and key for a tune in the Notes section to have a quick way to return it to a standard tempo and key.