Hi Luke, I was playing around with this song. Added the walking bass to great results, but the bass line at beginning of part C (F to F+ ) follows the chord changes sometimes, but not all the times (it gets stuck on F). Is the walking bass line always the same or is it randomized every play?
Yes, it is randomized – there’s usually more than one way to walk between chords so Strum Machine tries to mix it up. But if it stops walking altogether, that is a bug. I can hear that in your example so I will have to look into it further. Thanks for reporting the problem.
If anyone else finds situations where the bass isn’t behaving right, let me know! That was some complex code so getting it bug-free has been challenging.
Never heard this tune before! I searched YouTube and only found your version. I’m now a subscriber. That would be a good tune to add to my fiddle repertoire.
Hi David, I wrote the song. If you end up playing it, let me know, I’d love to hear your interpretation.
Some similar issues at my end using iPad and latest iOS. Was just taking a look so don’t recall the details except some notes seemingly stuck got my attention.
Did you write it down on paper or do I need to learn it by ear? I read music can could work on that tonight on my fiddle or mandolin. I could also learn by ear - it just takes longer. David Haile - Sheridan, WY.
I’ll work through the chords on my guitar and get it flowing then I’ll mess with it on the fiddle. This is a big challenge! It is almost over my head.
Got it! Thank you. I’ll run through it on the fiddle tonight.