Newly-redesigned song editor released!

The Editor 3.0* update that we’ve been working on since January, and which entered public beta last month, is now live for everyone!

In case you haven’t seen it, here’s the video that shows what’s new:

(Tip: Click the button in the bottom-right corner of the video after playing to go into full-screen mode.)


  • Numbered chords now supported in the editor
  • Almost every chord you can play on a guitar is now available
  • Subdivided beats are easier to work with
  • Totally redesigned interface with many small quality-of-life improvements
  • Waltz barlines now match what you’d see in sheet music
  • Plus various other improvements (see the release notes)

Thanks to everyone who did beta testing on the new editor and gave feedback! I’m happy to finally have this released to everyone.


*In hindsight, it should really be called Editor 4.0… I forgot how many times I’ve gone back to the drawing board on this! Hopefully this will be the last major revision.


Love the bass note to each chord feature! Great update. Ome thing…Subdivided beats don’t work with crosspicking as far as a good definition between beats. This isn’t using cross picking…but set it to CP and see what I mean. Thanks for your awesome work on this app!!

This is more or less by design… the chord isn’t changing so it’ll just cross-pick through the split C|C cell.

What you really want here is to have each of those beats be a “hit”, right? This isn’t yet possible, but someday we’ll be able to use the Effects menu with subdivided beats and then you’ll be able to set this up. (I tried to make this work in this update but had to shelve the feature for later due to some unexpected complications.)

Just tossing things out at you. I am engrossed in your app. As an illiterate musician, it allows me to create music with my self-taught, layman’s music theory. Thanks!

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